I've been way to lazy lately,at least until yesterday. I decided I need to start working out a bit more again, since today was probably the 5th time the past 1,5 month that I broke a sweat. So, I dragged my xxx to the gym both yesterday and today :)
I found an old handball that I got from adidas some 10 years ago among my training stuff that I took with me. No, I've never actually played handball, but I saw Trine Hattestad warm up with one 15 years ago so I got one ;) Anyway, I took it along and decided to tease my shoulder a bit with some throwing. I guess that's the only way to get some more flexibility, to try to throw something. So after I had biked for 45min and done some shoulder rehab I did some "throwing"...
I'll try to keep it up and train at least 2-3x/week the coming months and see if I get any progress with the shoulder...
8 years ago