Saturday, April 2, 2011


I'm now about 10months post op. The arm is getting stronger and the flexibility is getting better, SLOWLY :/ patience and more patience is needed, as well as help from my physios. At the end of my shoulder rehab workout on Wednesday I tried some "throwing" still looks stiff, but maybe there's some progress from the last clip ;) Who knows, maybe I'll go for a comeback at Europeans 2012 ;) NOT...I just wanna get the arm/shoulder back to some kind of normal shape, which for me means being able to throw something :) ...but I think it'll be a while until I post a clip with me "throwing" the jav ;)

Work is getting more interesting and planning ECh2012 is getting more specific. The logo for the Championships was choosen about a week ago, as well as the event look. So, the pace is picking up...which I don't mind at all :)