Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Tonight it'll be 5 weeks since I had surgery and on Friday I'm going to see the doc. I'm sooo hoping I'll get rid of the sling, it's definitely getting on my nervs and since Summer has arrived in Finland it's hot as H to wear it all the time. I was on the scale this morning and I've lost 6kg!! Insane that you work so hard to get the muscles and loose them just like that! I can't wait to get back to "normal two handed life" and to being able to work out and get in shape :)

Tomorrow is the first day of the Finnish Javelin Carneval in Pihtipudas ( It starts with junior comps for 9 year olds in the morning and ends with 22y in the evening. On Friday to Sunday they have javelin school, where ex throwers are the coaches. I'm going to Pihtipudas on Sunday for the mens and womens comps, I'll be doing some commenting for tv....yup, the comps will be on National TV for about an hour :) welcome to jav land ;) For me the return to Pihtipudas will mean mixed emotions. It will be my 25th time there, but the first time as an ex athlete and I would give anything to be able to compete there one last time. Pihtipudas has always been one of my favourite places to throw and it had a big influence on me becoming a javein thrower.
Sent from my Nokia N900

Friday, June 11, 2010


No niin, reilut 2 vkoa aikaa leikkauksesta ja sen verran edistystä on ollut, että pystyn tällä hetkellä nukkumaan sängyssä vaakatasossa...mutta ei vieläkään puhetta, että tulisi öitä ilman 1-2 heräämistä, mutta sentään parempaan suuntaan :) Särkylääkkeitäkin olen saanut vähentää aika paljon, turvaudun mielummin jääpusseihin silloin kun on tarvetta. Aika kuluu edelleen hyvin hitaasti ja lähinnä telkkarin ja koneen edessä.

Eilen olikin taas naisten keihään vuoro Diamond Leaguessa, Spotakova pisti season bestin, mutta muut jäivät hänestä yli 5m (Abakumova tosin puuttui). Kisa oli tasainen ja 2. ja 7. sijan välillä oli vain 1,80m, Etelä-Afrikan Viljoen olleen toinen tuloksella 63,04m. Kotimaan kentillä Oona Sormunen oli vaudissa ja heitti 56m, kauden toiseksi parhaan tuloksen tänä kesänä Suomessa. Toistaiseksi vain Oona on rikkonut EM-rajan 57,50m, joten toivotaan että muut tytöt saavat pian tekniikkansa kuntoon ja alkavat pommittamaan rajaa ja sen yli. Rajan ylittämiseen on vielä 5 viikkoa, joten vielä on mahdollisuutta saada täysi edustus Barceloonaan, vaikka alkukausi on ollu vähän vaisu.

Tänään saa taas makaa sohvalla ja seurata urheilua kin luvassa on sekä MM-futista, että lentopallon maailmanliigaa :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tennis och Diamond League

Jag var och tog bort stygnen idag, det känns som ett steg i rätt riktning :) nu har det gått drygt en vecka sen operationen, tiden går rätt långsamt när allt man kan göra är väldigt begränsat. Som tur är har värsta värken gått om, men jag sover fortfarande halvsittande. Nu sitter jag och väntar på att Robin Söderlings semi i Franska öppna ska börja och ikväll blir det ju också Diamond League i Oslo (min utländska favorit arena) där 4 finska spjutkastare är med...och också Sandra Eriksson på 3000m hinder. Igår var det tävling i Lapua, men inga nya tjejer över EM-gränsen i spjut, Jelena Jaakkola vann med 55m. Oona Sormunen öppnade ju bra senaste helg med 57,50m, så det blir väl hon som får representera Finland i "European Team Championships" i Bergen, helgen före midsommaren.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Nice pictures eh' ;)

It's now soon a week since the operation, which from what I understood went well. The suprapinatus is now reattached (4 anchors), the acromion shaved and the bicep also had to be worked on it had dislocated when the supra tear happened. I have 6 holes and will have the stiches removed on the 4th. The pain was REALLY BAD the first two nights/days and I had to stay in the hospital the first night. I slept about 3-4 hours the first nights (alltogether)so I'm happy it's starting to feel better. As long as I just sit in one place and take it easy the shoulder is fairly ok, but I still take 4-6 painkillers per day. The nights are still the worst, the "record" is still about 3,5h that I've been able to sleep straight through, after that I wake up and have to go get an icebag and a painkiller to fall asleep again..byt like I said, at least it's been getting better all the time :)

I'm not allowed to do anything with the arm for 6 weeks and can feel it's already getting stiff from wearing the sling all the time. So I'm really hoping the next 5 weeks go by fast! So what do I do? Watching tv and surfing the internet, that's about what I do each day...getting booooring :) but at least the French Open is on every day and soon it's Friday and Diamond League time :)