Nice pictures eh' ;)
It's now soon a week since the operation, which from what I understood went well. The suprapinatus is now reattached (4 anchors), the acromion shaved and the bicep also had to be worked on it had dislocated when the supra tear happened. I have 6 holes and will have the stiches removed on the 4th. The pain was REALLY BAD the first two nights/days and I had to stay in the hospital the first night. I slept about 3-4 hours the first nights (alltogether)so I'm happy it's starting to feel better. As long as I just sit in one place and take it easy the shoulder is fairly ok, but I still take 4-6 painkillers per day. The nights are still the worst, the "record" is still about 3,5h that I've been able to sleep straight through, after that I wake up and have to go get an icebag and a painkiller to fall asleep again..byt like I said, at least it's been getting better all the time :)
I'm not allowed to do anything with the arm for 6 weeks and can feel it's already getting stiff from wearing the sling all the time. So I'm really hoping the next 5 weeks go by fast! So what do I do? Watching tv and surfing the internet, that's about what I do each day...getting booooring :) but at least the French Open is on every day and soon it's Friday and Diamond League time :)